Safari Blue

Safari blue is a whole day trip that starts from Fumba, the perfect starting point to explore Menai Bay, an official Conservation Area. Home to beautiful uninhabited islands, the area is stunning, frequented by humpback and bottlenose dolphins.On arrival at Fumba, clients are given a briefing on the Safari Blue adventure In the morning you will set down on one of the beautiful sandbanks where one can relax, swim or snorkel

We have plenty of good quality snorkelling equipment and our experienced snorkelling guides will show you the pristine coral reef, which teems with tropical sea life. Instruction is also available for beginners. After snorkelling enjoy cold drinks, fresh coconuts and local snacks

After snorkelling we go to Kwale island where we have our "desert island" restaurant. The buffet lunch includes fish, slipper lobster, calamari, rice and sauces all served hot from the grill. Our crew also prepares and presents a gastronomic fruit tasting with a large selection of delicious tropical fruits.When the tide permits we explore the natural lagoon found on Kwale island. The lagoon is surrounded by a mangrove forest and we will take you swimming in the lagoon for an unforgettable experience.

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